Waspada disentri
Waspada disentri

waspada disentri

You're implying it's designed to appeal to a very specific sliver or its real audience and that this sliver are the sadistic sociopaths. The main lead happens to be a woman and she happens to die horribly on camera if you suck at the game. "someone who's saying, "I want to spend my leisure time watching a young, talented woman being repeatedly tortured and mutilated.

waspada disentri waspada disentri

Who is Tomb Raider for? Obviously not for everyone. Who cares? Who cares what they think? Christians think DnD is satanic. Either because they don't interest them, because they hate fun, or because they think it to be childish. Not-gamers are exactly that - not playing games. I'm not going to church and bothering everyone by telling them they're delusional and irrational. I'm not telling my gorefest horror fan friends they're probably sociopaths and shunning them in disgust.

Waspada disentri